Use this contact form to submit:- #CueProposals
- General Media Inquiries
- Feedback or Comments
- Video Submissions
Rules for the Cuesic Video Contest:
- The video must be posted on youtube or vimeo and the link included in your message.
- By submitting the video, you give Cue Cognatio the right to present the video for as long as it is on Youtube.
- The contest will run through January 1st.
- Please use a relatively good camera with a high frame rate so that your hands are clear. Newer camera phones are pretty good at this.
- Several videos will be featured on the site, even if they are not the contest winners.
- Good luck and happy Cueing!
Please also feel free to contact for any questions you may have. We are happy to provide feedback and connections in order for you to receive any information you are seeking.